
Story of me

Trigger warning, my accident and subsequent facial traumas.… but this is my story.

As we sneak up upon Thanksgiving, I am reminded over and over again how grateful I am for the life I led before my accident, and have been able to continue since my accident.
There are about 1000 reasons why I should not be alive on this earth.
But as difficult as this journey has been, I’m glad I am here.
I am surrounded by an amazing family and wonderful friends.
And I have been given endless opportunities to continue doing cool stuff and live a full and fulfilling life, and I can’t help but feel like this is only the beginning.

This is my first big solo video edit, and I’ve been working on it for months. Life kept getting in the way and I would start to feel overwhelmed or incapable.

I have dealt with an immense amount of grief throughout my life, but this summer especially has been a doozy. I am grateful for the support that I have experienced through social media and in person.

Thank you all for being my friends.


First ski day - Powder Mountain


Ivanhoe News